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Backtack & Plygrip

13mm Vulcanised Backtack Strip

It is made of card high grade fibre and is 12.7mm wide. Use to create a perfect edging in all sector of upholstery.

ProductStock CodePackedDetails
13mm Vulcanised Backtack StripBAV137m
Per 5
For use on outbacks

Metal Tackstrip

30″ metal tack strip top quality metal tack strip used for making a neat finish on outside backs this is rigid so only be used on straight edges.

ProductStock CodePackedDetails
Metal TackstripBAVT69cm StripCreate blind seams on upholstery

Metal Plygrip Soft

Bends easily and is great for getting a blind finish on outside backs and- arms. One side tacks to your furniture, then bring the fabric over it, then tap the teeth closed, this gives a neat professional finish without hand stitching or having tacks or staples on show.

ProductStock CodePacked
Metal Plygrip SoftBAP30mtr Roll
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